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Extracted from TFI's report:

Forecasts of Access Line Competition in the Local Exchange: Fourth Edition

By Lawrence K. Vanston, Ph.D.

ILEC Wireline Access Lines and Broadband Connections Figure*
As shown in the above forecast figure (Figure 6.1 in report), the growth of broadband lines on digital subscriber line (DSL) has helped stabilize the total number of incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) lines (narrowband and broadband) to about 180 million lines. However, as is clear from the forecast, even with the continued growth of broadband, soon the total number of ILEC lines will likely decline dramatically, because further additions in broadband connections cannot make up for the precipitous decline in narrowband access lines. Also illustrated is the forecast transition from standard broadband to very high speed (VHS) broadband.

Please visit the report page, Forecasts of Access Line Competition in the Local Exchange: Fourth Edition for more report information and purchasing details.