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Technology Futures, Inc. provides its clients with a number of proprietary publications. Some, but not all, of these are used to support other TFI services such as training and facilitation.

Telecommunications Technology Forecasting Group (TTFG) was established to promote the understanding and use of forecasting to predict and support the continuing evolution of the public telecommunications network. Many of the publications produced by Technology Futures, Inc. were commissioned by this industry consortium to quantify the demand for new telecommunications services and the impact on the public telecommunications network. TTFG member companies include Bell Atlantic, Bell Canada, BellSouth Telecommunications, Cincinnati Bell Telephone, GTE TELOPS, SBC Communications, Sprint-LTD, and U S WEST Communications.

Comparison of Economic Life Techniques

Stephen L. Barreca

Traditional approaches to estimating the useful lives of mass property have proven ineffective. Recently, new approaches have been developed and are in use; because of their relative newness, however, empirical evidence of their effectiveness is scarce. The purpose of this study is to assess and document the effectiveness of three commonly used life analysis techniques–traditional mortality, substitution, and combined obsolescence.

Published May 1999, Bound Softcover, 74 pages, ISBN 1-884154-12-3, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Telecommunications Access Technologies: Overview and Competitive Assessment

Ray L. Hodges

This latest report from Technology Futures provides a good, concise overview of the competitive access technologies that will impact the local exchange network. The competing technologies–terrestrial wireless, satellite, or cable–are simply more economical than the ILECs' circuit switched, copper-based network for multimedia services and will become more economical for voice as their market share declines. The ILECs' natural response to their competition is to expand beyond their franchise boundaries as full-service competitive local exchange carriers or by acquisitions. This, in turn, results in more competition for the other ILECs.

Published March 1999, Bound Softcover, 113 pages, ISBN 1-884154-11-3, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Wireless vs. Wireline for Voice Services: Forecasts and Impacts, Third Edition

Lawrence K. Vanston and Ray L. Hodges

This report provides forecasts of the growth in cellular/PCS subscribers and usage and their impact on the wireline operations of local exchange carriers. The business case for competition with wireline is simple. Major wireless providers and any number of resellers and small providers will have digital technology, which will increase capacity, battery life, and quality – at lower costs. More capacity, falling costs, and more competitors will result in lower prices–which inevitably will result in more customers and higher usage. With more wireless customers and lower prices, usage and ultimately access will be diverted from wireline.

Published 1998, Bound Softcover, 41 pages, ISBN 1-884154-10-7, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Communication Technology Update, 6th Edition

August E. Grant, Jennifer Harman Meadows, Editors–in Association with Technology Futures, Inc.

The latest edition of this annual review of the state-of-the-art in communication technologies continues to provide the latest information on electronic mass media, computers, consumer electronics, satellites, and telephony. Additionally, the new edition contains coverage of print technologies, electronic mail, and personal communications devices.

Published by Focal Press 1998, Bound Soft Cover, approx. 350 pages, ISBN 0-240-80326-4

Visit the Communication Technology Update Website for timely updates of the CTU chapters.

Transforming the Local Exchange Network: Analyses and Forecasts of Technology Change, Second Edition

Lawrence K. Vanston, Ray L. Hodges, and Adrian J. Poitras

This report provides tremendous insight into expectations for the future of current network assets–cable, circuit, and switching–in North America. In each of these categories, tremendous changes are underway which are displacing the bulk of existing investment and making large amounts of new investment necessary. Changes are not only being driven by advances in telecommunications technology, but also by the need for new communications services and the emergence of competition in the local exchange. These three drivers–technology, new services, and competition–reinforce each other and together increase the pace, magnitude, and importance of the adoption of new technology.

Published 1997, Bound Softcover, 270 pages, ISBN 1-884154-08-5, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Advanced Video Services: Analysis and Forecasts for Terrestrial Service Providers

Lawrence K. Vanston, Curt Rogers, and Ray L. Hodges

This in-depth research report forecasts the availability and adoption of advanced video services, particularly by the terrestrial cable and telephone networks. Included are likely technology adoption strategies of some newcomers to the video industry–and assessments of the impact on their existing networks.

Published 1996, Bound Soft Cover, 132 pages, ISBN 1-884154-05-0, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Computer Technology Trends: Analysis and Forecasts

Adrian J. Poitras and Ray L. Hodges

This insightful report focuses on the effects of technical progress in computers, along with continually expanding requirements and utility. Also covered are the rapid obsolescence and replacement of both existing and new computer assets and related equipment.

Published 1996, Bound Soft Cover, 63 pages, ISBN 1-884154-06-9, Sponsored by the TTFG*

Wireless and Cable Voice Services

Lawrence K. Vanston and Curt Rogers

This timely report addresses the magnitude and timing of the impact of wireless and cable competition on the LEC's wireline voice services. The authors analyze the impacts and forecast subscriber growth and prices for wireless and cable voice services.

Published 1995, Bound Soft Cover, 75 pages, ISBN 1-884154-04-2, Sponsored by the TTFG*

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*Telecommunications Technology Forecasting Group. See description above.